As of Yesterday, my Sweet little baby turned 4. She had a blast on her birthday. She wanted to go swimming (so of course I have pics!)
Maddie taking a rest
Maddie taking a rest

Maddie "getting a tan"

Noah pouncing off the diving board!

Darling Katharine

The cake for "the princess"

Kyle looking thrilled in his "birthday girl" hat

Maddie ready to blow out her candles

Blow Maddie Blow!

Maddie...ever so proud of her "lollie lockets"

Isn't she just beautiful????? I can't believe it..my "baby" is 4....She is 4 but will always be my baby....we love you girl! We have seen you turn from this tiny frail little baby (were you ever really frail??) into this bubbling, vivacious little firecracker. You are such a blessing to us and we couldn't be happier that God chose US to be your mom and dad!
brit & i feel that the pic of 'papa kyle' represents his true 'inner self' [hehe]
aww, happy bday, Maddie!
and come check it out, I actually blogged! ;o)
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