This is our newest (temporary?) family member....Claira.............no I did not choose the name...the kids did. This little thing was roaming around outside and made itself a "home" in Kyle garage. For some reason Kyle took a liking to this cat (that NEVER happens) and he brought it inside for us to look at....pet...etc. The kids fell in love and the kitty just melted right in. She had been VERY loving to everyone...especially Maddie...though I don't know why lol For example...Katharine just came out and said "Maddie put the cat in the high chair." Poor thing lol She just carries that Cat around and Claira just loves it. Sometimes she looks at us like "help me" lol but has never shown any signs of aggression. So far she shows the signs of a pretty good kitten. We have to double check around with our local vets and such to make sure she was not "lost." She is very pretty and soft, and she wasn't dirty at all. She took immediately to the litter box too. However, she has not been declawed or fixed and when Kyle gave her some food you could see all the bones along her back and hip bones so she obviously had not been fed. So we are not sure if she is a stray or just "lost."
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