Our day started off a little disappointing.....the kids went to my sisters last night to stay the night, then head to the movies this am. I woke up around 8:00 and saw the snow....humm.....being as we live in the country..things always seem to look worse out here than they do in town. I called my sister to see if they were still headed to the movies today...she thought they could make it into town so the movies were a go. A little while later, they got out on the road and realized things were worse than they had originally thought and were bringing the kids home. I knew that when she said that....I would have 3 disappointed kids...but I knew one would be crying (because the world is over lol). Katharine is one who
has to have a schedule and a routine. It's not that its just "nice" or "makes things easier." She
thrives on routine and she
has to know what comes next. Before she heads to bed at night she always asks "what are we doing tomorrow?" Not just a general question...she wants an exact accounting of what is going to happen....if you "stray" from that schedule we get melt down city. She actually did very well until later on in the afternoon when she just needed a "reality check."
At any rate....what got their mind off of that???? SNOW!!!! The kids stormed through the door to go get extra clothes on to play in the snow! Maddie kept running around outside yelling "Merry Christmas!!!!" It was too cute:) I of course had the excuse that "I" had the camera so no one was allowed to to throw snowballs at me LOL.
Katharine in the snow

Noah's HUGE snowball

Katharine and Noah

Katharine...isn't she beautiful????

Noah...my handsome little guy

Maddie...cute as a button

Papa trying to avoid getting hit...see that white dot heading for his arm?LOL

hey...what happened to my bike?!?!
1 comment:
What cute pictures. I have 3 girls that seem disappointed easily when things don't go as planned. I started a couple of years ago not telling them anything was happening until we were walking out the door. I even do this with trip out of town. Those plans have changed before and create quite the disappointment. Unfortunately you had no choice with this situation. I feel your pain.
The snow looks like fun. I am in "cold" weather for Florida. Today was a high of 67 degrees. I actually was able to wear a sweater.
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