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WOW what a week! The week started off by the kids getting in trouble for their attitude. They were literally grounded from everything except school and playing with friends. They were not allowed TV, no going out to lunch, and the removal of toys that were not taking are of. *sigh* Made a trip to the Dr office on Tuesday and we are now awaiting the phone call from a pediatric therapy center in Louisville, Ky to evaluate Sanite for see if she requires Developmental or Occupational Therapy. I am hoping all turns out well and that she gets the help she needs. Then last but not least, we were all so excited to go camping this weekend when..........Kyle went to flush the water system and apparently a hose had busted. Why is it that you are not able to find this out until you decide to run water through it?!?! At any rate it flooded the electrical system and we believe it blew the transformer. There is electric going to it but squat coming out. We were supposed to leave tomorrow.....We are hunting for a new transformer tomorrow and *if* we can find one we should have it in tomorrow night and *if* that is the only problem then we should be able to head up on Sat yeah!!!!!!. At any rate if you need a laugh here is Maddie in her "Freedom hair." I get a kick out of this one hehe
Well Noahs Game was rained out last night. Boy it would of been nice if they could of called the game before we actually got there! HA It wasn't raining when we left our house but it was raining by the time we arrived at the ball field. Sanite Practice has already been cancelled for tonight. She still has a game tomorrow but honestly if there is anything that can make life just a wee bit simpler these days I would sure appreciate it. Kyle and I are on the hunt for a new vehicle for me. He wants a Ford and I really want a dodge van. I have had 3 dodges so far and they have all been great vehicles. Kyle is a die hard Ford fan though. We are "discussing" getting something besides a van, possibly a larger SUV? I think I would be much happier with a Ford SUV than a Ford van. We may decide after all it needs to be a van. Who knows LOL. Sanite has her field trip to the Simmons School tomorrow and I am so excited! She is going to have to get up at the crack of dawn to go though! I KNOW she will not be pleased with that! We have to leave the house by all 4 of us.....I am thinking that it is going to be cereal in a bag for breakfast tomorrow!
Happy mothers day to all! I hope you had a truly blessed mothers day. I sure did! We attended assembly Sunday morning (which was great..a real tear jerker!). After that we came home and to changed to head out for lunch. Kyle drove me down to clarksville to have lunch at one of my favorite restaurants The Texas Roadhouse. We met my sister, brother in law and their 2 girls there. We had a great time! After that we went walking around the mall and of course had to stop by the Bath and body shop! I bought myself some of the Aromatherapy Peppermint and eucalyptus "relaxing" foaming bath. It smells relaxing! We also hunted and hunted for a pair of tennis shoes for Maddie. Why is it that ALL little kids shoes seem to have velcro instead of ties? We finally found a pair of sketchers at meijers that had ties on them and she looks so cute in them !
IT is now 9 on Monday morning and the kids are still not up yet! They had a very busy weekend so I thought I would let them sleep in an then get as much school done as we can *grin*. Last Friday we went to my sisters and had dinner...Hamburgers on the grill...YUMMY!!!! Then Saturday we drove to Muncie for my best friends (Lori), little girls birthday party. It was so cute! She has 5 kiddies and the youngest 3 are all from Haiti. In fact the Oldest who just turned 4 lived with my kids for a couple months while in Haiti. Neat huh?
I arrived home around 9 or so and got the kids all to bed. I was working on a dress for Sanite for a field trip this week and she REALLY wanted to wear it to assembly on Sunday. I only had the arms to do so I figured it would be ok. That wasn't so bad but then I decided her hair was looking rather raggedy so I brought the sleepy girl out into the living room and let her sleep on my lap while I undid braids until 2 am! (this may account for why assembly was such a tear jerker for me! Not enough sleep!)
This week is sooooooooooo extremely busy. We need to do school work on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday this week. Thursday we have a field trip to the one room school house ( will explain about that later!). Monday- sanite has dance from 4-5, Noah has t-ball from 5:30-6:30. Tuesday- Noah has a T-ball game from 5-6. Wednesday- Sanite has t-ball from 5-6 and we have Bible study that night from 7-8:30. Thursday- Sanite has a t-ball game from 6-7. Friday- Sanite has rehearsal for the dance recital. Saturday- Sanite has the dance recital....UGH!!!!