Monday, September 03, 2007

Happy Holiday In September!

/>Ok I say that because I always get my holidays mixed it Labor day or memorial day???i think Labor day but I am not going to bet on it lol. Today started off great...I got to meet my sis for breakfast and just have some grown up girl talk...something MUCH needed...I headed home and started some school with Sanite. She did really well in Math and Grammar and that's all she and I did today. I had her head out to go get Noah so we can practice the pledge (I don't normally do this....I am pretty sure my kids know I am not un-American...but home schooling is about real many of us stand up and say the pledge every morning?). Being as Sanite will be going back to speech therapy next week at our local elementary school, she will be there at 8:00am (YIKES!) and that is when they say the pledge. When I walk out to see my son...he and Maddie jump up like "uh-oh...busted!" I ask "WHAT are you doing?" Why do I do that to myself? That is an open door for a lie lol. As I am looking at my precious (ahem) children...they are standing in the middle of the rocks (our driveway)....covered in rock dust from head to toe...and their is a container in which someone has put the rocks into this said container. I asked again "WHAT are you doing?" and here is comes............his eyes roll into the back of his head..................................the arms go behind the back....................the foot goes from side to side..................."um......nothing." Images for your blog codes So I tell him that I already KNOW what he did and I am just being nice enough to give him the opportunity to be honest........His hands now migrate toward his mouth and he says "Im plafthin im de rawps.." so I say take your hands out of your mouth and repeat that to me....."I was playin in theRAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWKKKKKKKKKSS" is heard while he starts to scream and cry at the end of the sentence. Now I am not cruel to my kids..and rocks are ok..except my kids play with them..and remove them out of the driveway (which the gravel was just put there last Christmas and it is now almost gone) and put them in our yard. Papa comes around with the lawnmower and then there is a bend blade or worse, the rock goes flying through the air and hits a window........hence the broken window in Papas truck. Bring Noah and Maddie in...they are disciplined...all is well and good in the Caswell house. For a while....things went downhill with Noah until I was like..."LUNCH! Then to BED!" The kiddo ended up sleeping for 3 hours! I knew he had to be tired to act like that.

After lunch it was time to get ready for supper....steaks and corn...both on the grill YUM! Both of these were served with a side of salad and it was super delicious! After that we had a family game of soccer (ok I thought I was going to die...but it felt good to be out there playing with the kids like that!) The the kiddos played with the neighbor kiddos while Brandi and I had some "mommy conversation time." It was great. the kids even had fireworks to shoot off and rode the 4 wheeler...too much fun! Hopefully all will get to sleep quickly as we DO have school tomorrow and lunch at the elementary school....Have a grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat day tomorrow!

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