Friday, May 18, 2007

What a day!

Today was a GREAT day! We were able to go to the Cincy Zoo with the homeschool group and WOW did we have fun! All the kids were just amazed with all the animals.....They had SO MANY baby animals! They had baby Rhino's, baby monkeys, baby cats (some wild kind...don't remember what kind!) Here is a pic of the whole group..

I also was able to get some pics of the kids alone.... Here is Kiara

And here is Karleigh..........

And of Ruby......

And for 2 of my beauties....Here is Sanite

And my Noah......

The last one would not stay still for a pic! Now they are all SO tired and ready for bed! Kyle is grilling out hamburgers right now for everyone then I have a feeling we are skipping "family night' so all can head to bed! oh funny thing about family night...Sanite was asking in the car if we could have 'family night' tonight. Kiara asked "whats family night?" Sanite told her that we either play games or watch a movie with popcorn. I said more than likely it would be a movie night. Then there was silence...then I hear Kiara say" can can can can I be part of the family tonight too" LOL She cracks me up. One of those things where you never thought they would have to ask...these guys are just a natural part of our family. They are getting along so well and having SUCH a great time. They are all enjoying their new "housemates" as long as they kids don't even want to hear about when they go home!

Oh's another cute pic..Ruby was ZONKED in the car on the way home...Its hard to tell in the pic but Ruby's slumped in her seat with her feet on the handle of my door LOL

Washer update.....New washer was in order so we bought a "new to us" washer and it works just fine. In fact, it may be BETTER than our old one lol. Also I get to go in for my 1st ultrasound tomorrow. The only problem is I have to be there at 7:00 AM!!!!! It is about a 2hour drive. Needless to say I will be stopping at STARBUCKS LOL. Hopefully I will be able to start meds this cycle and be on our way to a HEALTHY FULL TERM BABY!

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