Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ugh....this week is CRAZY

This has had to be one of the craziest weeks on record for me. Remember how I said I kept feeling like I was coming down with something? Well that something turned into 2 day migraine....a "small" headache one minute.......big blowout throbbing heading with all kinds of nausea and *ahem* what usually follows said nausea....then fine...then within hours starting the whole nasty process over again.....the sight of any natural light was making me sick ugh...

The worst part was on Tuesday but then it continued for bits and pieces (only once) on Wednesday. I did end up feeling as though I was going to lose my mind. We left the house yesterday around 9 am and I got home last night a little after 10pm..and that's with only coming home for about 45 minutes so Noah could change. We had OT in the morning, followed by lunch with a friend, then off to the church so we could make some new song books (they look great!), then home long enough to change/collect my coconut oil, head off to wrestling, after Noah wrestles we RUSH to bible study, after bible study I run off to deliver some coconut oil to a friend of mine and then *whoosh* on home to CRASH in a matter of fact everyone was asleep when I came home...including Kyle :(

This morning we were up and out of here this am...we head to rush to register for 4-H (I was supposed to do this last Tuesday but man that migraine had me down for the count!). After that I made a quick run to an herb shop for some new herbs, drove out to have my hair cut, then RUSH back home as my dd had broke her glasses and we NEEDED to get them fixed...but alas they were left at home. We came home, I RAN inside and grabbed the glasses and we were off to the eye Dr. We sat there for what seemed like an eternity. We then headed to McD's (that so does not go along with my healthy eating). After that we rushed over to Kyles "old" place of employment to pick up his last paycheck...only to be told they could not find it :) I sat there and waited until they did :) Me and all 3 kids in a small office waiting did not take them THAT long to find it lol. We then headed off for walmart to saw off my right arm and leg get gas for both cars. After we left there we headed off so we could drop a new gas card off to Kyle at his job. I walk into his shop and he is sitting down chatting with his brother...huh??? The work conversations have completely changed as he now works at a state hospital...for mental patients....but alas that is a whole other post in itself....

After we witnessed my husband slacking on the job working diligently we headed off to clean the church as its our month, and with us being gone this weekend we figured it was better today than at 10 PM on Saturday night. The church is now we only have to head back up to Cato (for pants for me) and Kroger (they have the cheapest organic milk in town). After all this I just did NOT have the energy to go clean out the car..oh well I will just complain about tomorrow LOL. I think we are pretty much all packed and I am ready to dump the kids off at Lori's the kids are ready to spend a fun filled night with Spike, Lori and "the girls" (yes that includes you too Brittan). ....At is now almost 11:30 PM...and I have to be up at 4 so we can leave at 4:30 tomorrow morning for that homeschool convention..........everyone around here BEHAVE! I will post when we return :)

1 comment:

Cassie - Homeschooling Four said...

Are you back? How was the convention? Did the kids behave?