Monday, October 15, 2007

Friday, Saturday and Sunday..I am pretty sure this was all just one day

Things were so busy this past weekend that am pretty sure my days just ran together! We started off last Friday but doing lots of errands (running to consignment shops, grocery shopping, paying bills etc) and we came home just in time for Maddie to fall asleep. When Maddie awoke we were running out the door again trying to head out to some friends house for an annual homeschool campfire/weenie roast. We arrived there that night and several families were already there. The kids excitedly dumped us to go play with their friends (once again, mostly girls lol however more boys showed up that night to make it interesting!). Before long they were becoming those begging little urchin's wanting food (imagine that?). So they quickly grabbed the hot dog spears and headed over to the fire. Sanite did a great job cooking her hot dogs. She was patient and held them above the fire. Noah on the other hand wanted to eat his raw. I told him no, you need to cook them. Needless to say he would up eating a little hot dog with his ash as he couldn't help but to stick the hot dogs right on the burning wood. After that it was time to play again...then time for marshmallows, then time for play, then time for more hot dogs, then time to play, then time for more marshmallows...get the picture? By about 8:30 it was pitch black and everyone was ready for the hayride. Keep in mind they live on a ridge and it was supposed to get to be about 40 Friday night....this is going to make one COLD hayride. I have 3 kids going every which way and I am trying to search for jackets (they were still in the car along with our blanket). As Maddie goes running for the hayride I ask Kyle to get the coats out of the car and bring them to us as I don't want Maddie sitting up there by herself. An great big okie dokie was given by the man 1/2 so I bust over to the hayride. I am sitting, I am sitting, I am sitting....I am waiting, I am waiting...I am waiting....I see Kyle standing over by the fire looking at us so I figure he is just waiting for us to ride by to throw our coats at us. We start to drive by and I realize he has nothing in his hands.....he sees me and then the expression on his face says "Oh yeah! I remember what I was supposed to be doing!" Needless to say he didn't make it in time and we were on the hayride without any coats or blankets....can I say brrrrrrrrr?????The kids were fine but this ol' mama was FREEZING! We finally make it back to the house and I immediately run in for a cup of wassail before heading out. By this time it was almost takes about 30 minutes to get home and Kyle has to be up at 4am the following day, I have to be up by 7, and the kids need to be up by 8.

Saturday morning rolls around and Kyle is gone, I am up, the kids are up at 8. In efforts to try and save on the electric bill we are currently hanging all our clothes on the line. We have 1 hour before we need to leave and I have 2 kiddos who have wet the bed *sigh*. Rush rush....Noah ready for football...rush rush...Maddie and Sanite dressed...rush rush....2 loads of laundry done...rush rush....throw food at the kids....rush rush....teeth brushed and hair sprayed....rush rush AGH! where's my coffee???? rush rush...out the door, Noah's drink in hand, at the football field by 9:30. Practice from 9:30-10, then game fro 10-11:15. After that we had back to the house (get back around 11:45) only to shove food in the kids faces (again) and Sanite and I head out for girl scouts.

We arrive at the park to caravan around 1:00. We head to Cornucopia Farms for a day filled with, petting zoos, hay houses, pumpkin patches, corn and soy bean mazes, and other "just plain fun" stuff. What I find so interesting is how my daughters brain works.....when you go into the corn maze there were 12 check points and you have to write down information from each check point. After about an hour I was ready to quit...ok that was fun....lets head back.....when our girl scout leader asked how many wanted to head back and go on to other things 7 out of the 10 girls raised their hands. My girls was one who did NOT raise her hand. huh???? She wanted to stay in the maze and figure it out. We hung in there until her feet were (finally) hurting and she was ready to be done...however she was quite unhappy that she did not finish the maze! She is a puzzle type of person...I was ready to give up...she "couldn't" quit....she does 500 piece puzzles....I am like *ick*....whats the point lol. She loves things that take loads of patience and brain power. Me, I choose to use my brain as little as possible..... (let the evidence show....................)

We left the farm at 5:00...heading home....kind of....we back to Madison (swinging by Sonic on the way home) to go to a football appreciation night for Noah. We arrive at the tackle football play a part of the my son sit on a the tackle football teams play a little bit my son sit on the bench. At 1/2 time of the 1st game they introduced the flag football teams by team and then individual. They would announce the team, then call out the team members names individually. As each team members name was called they would run out onto the field and hang with their team (keep in mind that this was at the high school field...not the pee-wee field we are usually at so we had real scoreboards and real announcers over the PA on a huge field with loads of people staring at them). They call Noah's name, I jump up..say my "yeahs!" and then say "are we done here?" While I enjoy a good football game as much as the next guy....I would love to see what my home looks I thought. Head home...have everyone pick out clothes for the following day....tell Noah to make sure he gets out his black socks for church the next am (this will later become an important part of the story) go to sleep as we have a very busy day the next day....

Wake up at 7...go for a 2 mile walk....head home to shower and wake everyone up in the house at 7:30. it is 7:30, we don't have to leave until 9, that leaves us 1 1/2 hours to get everyone ready. Should be easy as everyone has picked out clothes for the following day right? (insert laughter from the national sarcasm society here). My son somehow didn't feel like getting his black socks out for the following day so guess what he did? for 1 1/2 hours he searched for black socks. Guess how many he found? 1. Oh only have one sock to wear...teeth are not is not done.....breakfast is not ate. Literally in 1 1/2 hours all he did was put on underwear, pants, and a shirt (mind you clothes that he had already picked out the night before). Everyone else was ready so we head out.....Church was great but we were chomping at the bit to get out of there....places to go, people to see, things to know how it goes.......

Being as Kyle is getting busy in his business we occasionally will have to go transport a vehicle. Today was one of those days. We had to drive about 2 1/2- 3 hours away to pick up a car. we drive up there stopping at a few places along the way. We finally arrive around 4, then Lori and I trying to figure out how many men it takes to hook up a trailer. After watching one man go to two, the two men go to three, then having to add a woman into the deal (finally they got it right! LOL j/k!) the trailer was up and running for the most part. The truck was loaded onto the trailer and we were off for dinner! I rode with Lori, her 3 littles, and nameless while we talked about nameless and the meaning of 2.5 kiddos...which half do you get on the last one???? Spike rode with Kyle and our 3 munchkins as we all headed off the Cracker barrel. Dustin also met us there at Cracker Barrel and although they have only seen him maybe a handful of times, they knew exactly who he was! In fact whenever we talk about Lori, Spike and the kids it is always, Kiara, Karleigh, Ruby, Brit...and Dustin..DON'T FORGET DUSTIN Noah adds.....Dustin...Noah is pullin for ya bud lol. The boys just have to stick together in the midst of all the Estrogen. Dinner was great...we headed home....all crashed in bed...then this morning it was speech therapy... rush rush rush again...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Hello Angela! I just happened upon your site when I was googling "Chosen Children". I cannot believe that you have time to raise your fabulous trio and keep up this amazing blog. My hat is off to you!! I too have created a blog for a computerized scrapbook of sorts I only put brief captions. I am so impressed with how you include such great details about so many events. What a special journal you are creating for your children to enjoy through the years. I hope you have a terrific holiday season. Please stop by to see the turtle.