Monday, December 03, 2007

"Winter time" blues??

I know I haven't posted any really good stuff lately..sorry :( Not sure if its just wintertime blues or what. I have just been kind of *iffy* around here lately so if ya'll think of me during your prayer time..please say a prayer. I am thankful for everything we have, and God is really moving us right now, both financially and spiritually. Kyle was able to get another job last night that the guys needs done in a hurry, and the profit will be able for us to at least catch up on all of our that's a major praise. On one hand I feel joyful and on the other I could just cry and I am not sure why....just no rhyme or reason for it. I have great kids, I love my husband, I really am not "stressing" over anything right now...just kind of

1 comment:

lori shepler - said...