Tuesday, August 21, 2007

*sticky* *sticky*

So my rash has not healed up like it should of.......A day in the ER, IV meds, then 5 days of meds and guess what..I am STILL itching............So I head off the the Dr today (good ol Dr. Napier...gatta love him!) He takes one look-see and knows just what to do..."3 course treatment" he says....."1st-Zyrtec, 2nd-topical cream, 3rd...............shot" ARGGGGG?!?! HUh?!?! Suddenly my heart sinks and think oh no.....a shot in the rear...........and suddenly My children's faces light up like it is Christmas morning....."Shot?" They say excitedly. "Mama gets a SHOT? OH WOW!" It was like someone had given them a huge lolipop and told them there was more to follow.............In the words of Meredeth Grey..."seriously?????" Yep...nurse comes in...pants go down...the kids are jumping up and down like a bag of microwave popcorn.and in it goes...not so bad but then the medicine....BURNY BURNY BURNY!!!!! Needle out and AHHHHHHHHHh.....much better....Pants up....kids together...magazines put away...the office is looking *somewhat* like it did before the Caswell Tornado(s) hit it. As we are walking out...the kids get their stickers....Hey?!?! Whats wrong with this picture!!!!!

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